Dwight Eisenhower
Have you ever wondered how the national holiday began?
A woman author from New Hampshire, Sara Josepha Hale, was
active in bringing to the attention of the American public, a day to give
thanks. She had belonged to many socially active groups as well as benevolent
societies. Ms. Hale also wrote for Godey’s Lady Book. She felt that with the
abundant fall harvests of New England, there should be a common day of prayer
instead of a different one for each state.
Enter Abraham Lincoln and the symbolism of the United
States, which alerted him to proclaim a national day of thanksgiving. On
October 3, 1863, Abraham Lincoln established the last Thursday of November “as
a day of Thanksgiving and Praise.”
The timeline is posted on this website: http://www/whitehousehistory.org/whha_press/index.php/backgrounders/thanksgiving-at-the-white-house/