Saturday, February 15, 2020


     Do you have an idea for a story? Have you put it together in your head but still don't know where to begin? Maybe the setting isn't quite right?

     Here's a few questions or thoughts to think about:

     Have you drawn the setting? 
     Do the characters fit inside of the setting?

     I grew up in Minneapolis and used to go shopping in downtown Minneapolis with my girlfriends and or grandma when I was younger, then I married and eventually moved to Bemidji. However, when I first began to write, I knew that Minneapolis would be the setting for my books. I loved the area on the other side of downtown, the older part of the city. The street is still cobblestone and the Stone Arch Bridge is nearby. In fact it's a lovely area to stroll in the summer or to walk from the bridge up to Hennepin Avenue bridge, cross the river, and go back. It's a gorgeous walk.
    Once you've decided upon a setting, then what?
    Draw it!  Yes! Sketch it out on a sheet of computer paper so you have it. By drawing the neighborhood, it'll make sense once you're deeper into your story. Will your character fit the scene? The setting?
    Make sure you draw all four corners of the chosen setting. Put in the building names, cafe, bookstore, etc. You get the picture. 
    Now you can start to think about what goods you'll have inside of each building. Oh yes!
    Do you have a drugstore? Grocery? Gas station? 
    Give it life.  Your character will live then, too!


Monday, February 10, 2020

5 Star Review!

I just received my first five start review for my book, WORD to DEATH! I feel fabulous, like my writing journey has been worth it!  It actually is the second mystery that I wrote, and it circles around the Lincoln's. I've always felt sorry for Mary Lincoln and the way she was treated. She'd endured an awful lot and wasn't treated kindly by her family, press, and those in the administration nor those in politics at the time of his death. Did you know that even when she traveled to Europe with her son, Tad, she was ignored? How horrible and terrible.  There was no excuse for the unjust treatment that she received. Now I feel better about it all. Please take a look at my White House Dollhouse books.

 On an added note, I will be speaking and reading from my books on February 11, at 5:30 from the Bemidji Library. Please come and join me if you can!