I’m curious to know what you thought about December? I thought it was basically horrible. No, I’m not a Scrooge, however, you would be one too if this had happened to you.
I was scammed, royally. Someone placed a $200.00 ad on my Facebook page and was completely kicked off from my author page and Facebook. The creep got in through PayPal. That being said, there goes our credit cards and this monster got into my computer and now, it’s frozen. I also don’t have the receipt and it’s an Apple and six years old so I can’t get anyone from repair shop to open it up. My husband opened the back, removed the memory chip, put it back in but it still won’t fire up. I’m sunk. I have to purchase a new computer. My husband’s laptop is driving me nuts. It’s hard getting used to a new computer.
Since I couldn’t finish ordering Christmas presents, my son and grandson received them late. Actually, my grandson will receive a homemade afghan from me. My sons’ gift was wrapped and it still was fun.
I went ahead and made a Norwegian Christmas cake, Kransekake. It’s eighteen circular layers. They break apart and are like crackers. The flour is almond the other two ingredients are egg whites and powdered sugar. I purchased the molds from Ingebretsen’s in Minneapolis. Here is the picture of it.
Have a Happy New Year!