Friday, February 2, 2024

Secondary Characters

The secondary characters need also to feel emotions and are a vital part of your story or novel.  I had trouble with that.  I had trouble following my seconds and writing back stories about them.  I had few integral scenes in my books.  One of my editors made me add ‘fun’ times for my characters.  I had them staying at home and watching I Love Lucy reruns, which is ridiculous for young folks.  She challenged me to be more and do more so I added ice hockey tournaments since it was winter.  In another White House Dollhouse book, I began with National Park Exposition in St. Paul. CLUED to DEATH has many secondary characters.  Do your books?  Each character has a personality. Do you like or dislike them? Here’s a challenge for you—write about your most important secondary character or else try this example:  1) Choose a city—New York City for an example. 2) a taxi driver or transit worker and a teacher or a salesman. 3) a disagreement between two. 
        Set your timer for fifteen minutes and write.  Let’s see what happens and who comes out on top!  After, take a count of your five senses and emotions. Angry? Mad? Happy?

       Let me know with a comment and I’ll get back to you.  Take care and happy writing!
