Thursday, May 9, 2024

National Treasure

My First Lady /White House Dollhouse mystery series is similar to the National Treasure movie franchise  Historical characters make history modern

Thursday, March 21, 2024


Where do your ideas come from?

Have you ever owned a bird?  When I was growing up, we had a green parakeet.  My brother and I were supposed to keep the cage clean but, of course, we did a lousy job of it.  My mother wasn’t too happy with us and the bird would make noise all day which drove her crazy. The bird had to go.  She found another home for it and one day after school, Jim and I had a job to do. We had to place the bird in a box and walk it to it’s new home.  They had a cage so that wasn’t a worry.  Here I am thinking about the bird and I don’t remember it’s name.  Shame on me.
      The bird is one of the many parakeets in this book.     

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                                    The Forger                 Barb's Books

Friday, March 1, 2024

Ideas and where do they come from?

    When I first taught special education in McIntosh, MN, I carpooled with two other people. In the morning, driving northwest on highway 2, we never saw the peacocks. As we drove home at the end of the school day, peacocks strut their stuff at the edge of the long driveway. The landowners were farmers. I always thought it a bit odd to see peacocks in basically the middle of nowhere, but didn't think much of it.

    As a child, we had a green parakeet for a short time. It didn't take my mom long before it drove her nuts and my brother and I had to find another home for it. Someone gave my mom a bird just like it many years later but she didn't keep it long.

    Growing up, my parents took us fishing. We lived in Minneapolis so it was a treat to go north to Red Lake to fish. We also had relatives who lived on lakes. Dad loved fishing and so did Mom. I always did and so have my brothers and now my children and grandchildren.

    One day it hit me--why not write a book that will include fishing, writing and birds? Seriously, why not?

     My first book in the series, THE FORGER.  An Experienced Goods Detective Squad Mystery.  I'm sure that you'll love it and if you do, please leave a review.  

                                     Barb's Books.                         THE FORGER

Friday, February 2, 2024

Secondary Characters

The secondary characters need also to feel emotions and are a vital part of your story or novel.  I had trouble with that.  I had trouble following my seconds and writing back stories about them.  I had few integral scenes in my books.  One of my editors made me add ‘fun’ times for my characters.  I had them staying at home and watching I Love Lucy reruns, which is ridiculous for young folks.  She challenged me to be more and do more so I added ice hockey tournaments since it was winter.  In another White House Dollhouse book, I began with National Park Exposition in St. Paul. CLUED to DEATH has many secondary characters.  Do your books?  Each character has a personality. Do you like or dislike them? Here’s a challenge for you—write about your most important secondary character or else try this example:  1) Choose a city—New York City for an example. 2) a taxi driver or transit worker and a teacher or a salesman. 3) a disagreement between two. 
        Set your timer for fifteen minutes and write.  Let’s see what happens and who comes out on top!  After, take a count of your five senses and emotions. Angry? Mad? Happy?

       Let me know with a comment and I’ll get back to you.  Take care and happy writing!


Friday, December 1, 2023

Settings and emotions.


Since the holiday season is upon us, I wondered how to fit fishing into my work in progress. I’ve already decided that I would have my characters fly fish in Minnehaha Creek, I assume that it’s not possible to go fishing in mid-winter. I know it’s possible, but seriously, I wouldn’t want to just stand out in the cold for several hours to fly fish and the line would catch on ice. I figure that ice fishing is the way to handle the cold. The girls could easily have their own camper and drive out on the ice. We now can purchase fish houses for just that purpose.


The question to ask, is how on earth is it possible for me to live up Dylan Thomas and his amazing description of his setting. Read it once for fun, and afterwards, record the way that you feel. Next, read it for the many emotions which you feel. When finished, read it the third time and write down all the descriptive words used. Here it is, straight out of: 



A CHILD’S CHRISTMAS IN WALES by Dylan Thomas.  Copyright 1954


      For dinner we had turkey and blazing pudding, and after dinner the Uncles sat in front of the fire, loosened all buttons, put their large moist hands over their watch chains, groaned a little and slept. Mothers, aunts and sister scuttled to and fro, bearing tureens. Auntie Bessie, who had already been frightened, twice, by a clock-worked mouse, whimpered at the sideboard and had some elderberry. The dog was sick. Auntie Dosie had to have three aspirins, but Auntie Hannah, who liked port, stood in the middle of the snowbound back yard, singing like a big-bosomed thrush.

Wasn’t it wonderful? I love it and a movie was made of the book. I rent it through Amazon.


Happy writing!



               Barb's Books.           X- Twitter.             Facebook.      Barb's Babbles Instagram


Thursday, November 2, 2023

Sticking with what you know.


Minnesota’s turkeys or not?


November is a month to celebrate since it’s my birth month, however, as I continue with my novel about fly-fishing, an idea comes to mind. The turkeys!


Is it possible to have the missing person from my book be snatched while looking out the window and watching turkeys’ gaggle along the busy street? Probably not, so that idea is dead in the water, but, if my two protagonists go fishing in northern Minnesota, they easily could stop and look for turkeys and other wildlife.


It’s the time of the year for two Minnesota turkeys to head to Washington DC where they will be pardoned. First, they’ll walk off from the private coach and walk the red carpet into the Willard Hotel where they’ll spend a private night in this beautiful hotel. The following day, President Biden will pardon them both.


President Truman was the first president to pardon a turkey in 1947.

In 2006, when then-President George W. Bush-needed to break from a security meeting to whistle off his dogs, who’d made a run at the two birds. Unfortunately, I couldn’t locate a picture of him chasing turkeys.

President Biden in 2022


I decided not to rain on the turkey’s parade and stick to fishing, then I can explore my favorite place on earth, Minnehaha Falls. I’ve picked out the neighborhood where my characters will reside which is near Sanford Middle school and burger joint we’ll frequent is located two blocks from Howe grade school. I’m still going back home, but now I have to set the setting. I must evoke emotions from the setting. Each page of a book should make you want to taste what the character is eating, walk down the block and check out the stores or just plain want to be there. Then ask yourself what emotion do you feel?

Please, enjoy our nation holiday, Thanksgiving Day!  Enjoy your turkey dinner with family and friends.



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Sunday, October 1, 2023

Writing what you know.

 Writing what you know.

Recently our local newspaper published historical information about the town which I live in and have for over forty years. I wondered if I’m as attached to my growing-up town as I am to Bemidji. Then, I got to thinking-I never left!


The settings for my books are almost completely in Minneapolis and conspicuously near my old grade school. Which brought me to one of the most beautiful places on earth, Minnehaha Falls. There is also a statue of Hiawatha carrying Minnehaha across the creek. It’s so engaging and spiritual.

The setting is flowing through my mind like the creek. I’m starting to consider the water, lakes and trees as a backdrop to new novels.


I used to fish an awful lot as a youngster and my husband went fishing when first married and with our boy’s. 


Then, I’d sit on the dock with the grandchildren.


I began a book about fly-fishing, women’s version. It’s a book about two women who’d known each other since kindergarten who are best friends. They are also best friends with two men of the same age but are still employed as detectives for the Minneapolis Police Department. 


The four investigate the disappearance of a grade school classmate who was never found after she’d gone missing from the fourth grade.


The search will take the reader to northern Minnesota and around my favorite neighborhoods.


So, you see, you can go home!


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